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Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) is the gold standard in the diagnosis of hypertension. It tracks your blood pressure over a 24-hour period at periodic intervals, providing data to predict and manage cardiovascular risks. ABPM is superior to one-off blood pressure measurements which may be distorted by phenomena such as white-coat hypertension.


Traditional ABPM devices work with a cuff mechanism that contracts around the arm at periodic intervals, which can cause user discomfort and affect their sleep.

Importance of ABPM

Having a person’s blood pressure tracked over a 24-hour period provides a better picture of fluctuations that occur throughout the day. A single reading taken at home or at the clinic is not the ideal representation of one's blood pressure.


A person’s blood pressure follows a natural circadian rhythm, characterized by a nocturnal dip in pressure and a morning surge in pressure that precedes waking. Disturbances to these circadian rhythms, for example, an isolated elevation of nocturnal pressure, a reduced nocturnal pressure dip, and an exaggerated morning surge in pressure are associated with increased cardiovascular disease risk.

BPro is a medical-grade cuffless ABPM device which offers user comfort.

ABPM is superior to spot blood pressure monitoring in predicting cardiovascular mortality

Individuals with elevated blood pressure should have an ABPM done as it is indispensable to the management of hypertension

More emphasis should be placed on the monitoring of nocturnal blood pressure

According to the Dublin Outcome Study,

Importance of ABPM
BPro G2

Sensor Module

Median Nerve

Sensor Plunger

Radial Artery

Wrist Strap

Radial Bone

Ulnar Bone

BPro Monitor

Cross-section of BPro on the wrist

The sensor plunger is placed on the radial artery and calibrated to the brachial blood pressure.


This calibration allows the radial waveform to be translated into a pressure waveform.


The patented plunger system transfers pressure forces efficiently to the internal pressure sensor.


The pressure waveform provides measurements equivalent to brachial blood pressure every time the radial waveform is sampled.


The wrist strap system is designed to ensure that the sensor system is mounted comfortably on the radial pulse position.


Our Technology

BPro utilises modified applanation tonometry to acquire accurate arterial radial pulse waves. Studies have shown that the averaged ambulatory blood pressure values acquired using BPro differed by less than 5 mmHg, compared with values acquired using conventional oscillometric cuff–based devices.

Our Technology

A report is generated upon completion of the 24-hour ABPM session. This report provides various indices including a 24-hour blood pressure trend chart, mean arterial pressure, central aortic pressure and a composite arterial pulse waveform. This report allows doctors to make a more informed diagnosis and provide appropriate treatment.

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Why Choose BPro


Spot Measurement

Cuff-based ABPM


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Measurement technique

Upper-arm cuff

Upper-arm cuff





Modified Applanation Tonometry

Disruption to daily activities




Sleep disruption




Pain & discomfort




Duration per reading

±20 seconds

±20 seconds

±10 seconds

Measurement interval


Day (15 - 30 min)

Night (30 - 60 min)

15 minutes

Number of measurements

One-off measurement (Manual)

≤ 96 times over 24 hours (Automated)

96 times over 24 hours (Automated)

24-hour CASP




Why Choose BPro

82 Playfair Road, 
#07-02, D'Lithium, 
Singapore 368001

+65 6858 3248

© Copyright Healthstats International Pte. Ltd. 2023. All rights reserved.

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